Thursday, January 5, 2012

Carbon Expert–Reducing Emissions and Carbon Trading

Carbon-Expert is a global company, with offices in London, Gibraltar and Spain, with over 10 years of blue chip experience. We source and trade Voluntary Emission Reduction Credits (VERs) to help companies and individuals offset their CO2 emissions and help mitigate the harmful effects of climate change worldwide.

Carbon Expert – Emission ReductionCarbon Expert

The vast majority of the scientific community is in consensus that climate change is happening and human activity is almost certainly the cause. In the last 100 years the Earth has warmed by 0.74°C (and by 0.4°C since the 1970s), meaning that global sea levels have gone up, glaciers and sea ice has melted, floods and droughts are on the increase, and heat waves are worse.

The term 'greenhouse effect' was coined to describe the way some gases in the atmosphere (such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap some of the light energy from the sun after it is reflected from the Earth's surface, and before it can escape out into space, so warming our atmosphere. This is a natural process that has been happening for billions of years, and without it the Earth would be about 33°C colder – too cold for us to live on. Now, however, human influence has upset the natural balance of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and too much of the sun's energy is being trapped, causing average temperatures to rise. Human greenhouse gas emissions have gone from practically nothing to tens of billions of tons per year since the start of the industrial revolution. At present, over 30 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted globally each year by burning fossil fuels and another seven billion tonnes by changes of land use, mainly deforestation.

As businesses, large corporations, companies and private individuals there is much we can all do to reduce our carbon emissions or carbon foot print.

Many businesses are now keen to be seen taking the lead in reducing their carbon emissions or offsetting their carbon emissions through their environmental policies and actions. Here at Carbon Expert we can set out a carbon management strategy for your organisation or business and set realistic carbon reduction targets to be met.

For the private individual there are also many small things that can be done that overall contribute to the larger aim of collectively reducing our carbon foot print from turning off electrical appliances when not in use (not to leave them on standby) to walking or cycling rather than using motorised transport, the list is endless.

Carbon Expert – Carbon Reducing Tips

For more ideas on how you can reduce your carbon emissions click here

Carbon Expert – Carbon Credits and Carbon Trading

PARTNERS IMAGECarbon Expert is the leading investment consultancy in emissions trading of voluntary carbon credits, enabling our clients to purchase verified carbon credits and participate in the fastest growing global commodity market.

Invest in carbon credits and help safeguard the environment for future generations by purchasing the highest quality Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) credits, carefully selected for you from the best renewable energy projects globally by Carbon Expert.

This website provides an outline of the carbon trading market and the services that we at Carbon Expert offer. We can appreciate that after you have taken the time to digest the contents of our site that you will naturally have more questions about carbon credits and carbon trading.

Emissions trading (also known as cap and trade) is a market-based approach used to control pollution by providing financial incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants.

For the last 50 years, scientists have been issuing dire warnings about climate change and the havoc it would soon bring to the world. But for most of us, global warming has long remained, as Business Week puts it, "merely a matter of numbers from a computer model". As a result, we have taken little notice. That's changed.

Today, it seems as though we can see global warming all around us. The five months from May to September 2009 were the hottest in the UK since records began and July was the warmest month ever. In the South Pacific, the president of Kiribati, which is just 6ft above sea level, believes his nation may be submerged within a decade.

In an attempt to control and reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, the Kyoto Protocol was created as a way of monetising carbon output emissions. By making emissions an asset which can be bought and sold, industry and individuals began to take notice. The carbon credit market is now worth approximately US$144 billion as of 2009.

Each carbon credit is worth one tonne of CO2.Companies and individuals can offset their CO2 emissions by purchasing these credits from companies and individuals who are actively reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, therefore making their activities carbon neutral.

For further reading on how you can invest in Carbon Trading visit our website

Carbon Expert


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