Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Government launches Energy Bill to deliver 'transparency and certainty' for low carbon economy


The government has today confirmed long-awaited plans for the biggest shake up to the energy industry in a generation, vowing that its ambitious package of "electricity market reforms" will bolster energy security, slash greenhouse gas emissions, and help create up to 250,000 new green jobs.

Click here for the Business Green article.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A window into Microsoft's quest to become 'carbon neutral'

Microsoft today announced a commitment to achieve “carbon neutrality” for its energy use companywide during its upcoming fiscal year, beginning July 1. It’s a bold and somewhat unusual plan, but consistent with the software giant’s other recent sustainability initiatives, which favor sophisticated, IT-fueled projects conducted in a transparent and accountable fashion.

Click here for the full GreenBiz.com article.